innovative and Computerized Apparatus Design (iCAD) Laboratory
What is the aim of iCAD Lab?
iCAD Lab was established to design innovative apparatus by combining embedded systems and 3D printing capabilities with intelligent softwares. The Lab has a vision of making small modifications to known work and generating inventions from some new ideas.
Our Funded Research Projects
Digital Soil Texture Analyzer, TUBITAK 2018-2020
The project is based on a novel electronics and intelligent device design that analyzes soil texture...
As a result of the project; 3 journal articles were prepared, 1 symposium procedings were presented, 3 students
were funded throughout their education duration.
Estimation of traditional ECG with signals measured from the wrist, CU-BAP, 2015-2017
In this study, only left-arm ECG signals were collected and it is aimed to determine cardiac rhythm with high accuracy as an example application. Dual-arm measurements are also taken on the subjects, simultaneously with single-arm signals, to obtain the signal known as Lead I in conventional ECG measurement and to use it as a reference. In these collected signals, we focus on primarily eliminating noise and then selecting the most significant frequency sub-bands. Finally, the heart rate is determined by an algorithm that counts heartbeats, and the heart rate of the double-arm beats collected from the same subjects is used for comparison.
Prediction of Soil Mixture by Using Intelligent Algorithms, CU-BAP, 2014-2016
In this study, it is aimed to make soil texture analysis with an electronically supported system. The signals obtained in the experiments based on the monitoring of a container full of water-soil solution with the embedded system and light sensors connected to it are recorded on a computer and these signals are analyzed by machine learning methods.
Our Patent Applications
Ultrasound Penetration based Digital Soil Texture Analyzer, Turk-Patent & PCT, 2020.
Laser-Guided Bouyoucos Dataset
- If you would use this corpus in your publication, please make sure you cite: U Orhan, E Kilinc. Estimating soil texture with laser-guided Bouyoucos, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, 61, 1, 1-10, 2020.
Single-Arm Dataset
- If you would use this corpus in your publication, please make sure you cite:
U Orhan, A Aydin. Heart Rate Detection on Single-Arm ECG by Using Dual-Median Approach, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020.
Impermeable Seams Image Dataset
- If you would use this corpus in your publication, please make sure you cite:
K Adem, U Orhan, M Hekim. Image processing based quality control of the impermeable seams in multilayered aseptic packages, Expert Systems with Applications 42 (7), 3785-3789, 2015.
E Kilinc (PhD), Design of a soil texture analysis device based on ultrasound sensors and machine learning methods, 2022.
F Albayrak (MEng), Shortening the test duration in LGB based soil texture analysis, 2021.
E Kilinc (MEng), Estimation of sand ratio at soil by LDR sensors and intelligent algorithms, 2016.
M Khan (MEng), An automated computerized system for soil texture analysis by using laser and LDR sensors, 2017.
EMI Yashar (MEng), Determination of the heart beats on single arm ECG signals by using computational methods, 2018.
U Orhan, E Kilinc, F Albayrak, A Aydin, A Torun. Ultrasound Penetration-Based Digital Soil Texture Analyzer, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47, 10751-10767, 2022.
U Orhan, A Aydin. Heart Rate Detection on Single-Arm ECG by Using Dual-Median Approach,
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020.
U Orhan, E Kilinc. Estimating soil texture with laser-guided Bouyoucos, Journal for Control,
Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, 61(1), 1-10, 2020.
E Kilinc, F Albayrak, U Orhan. Soil Texture Prediction With Laser Guided Bouyoucos and Support
Vector Regression, Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 1-4, 2020.
E Kilinc, U Orhan. Estimation of sand ratio in soil by LDR sensors and linear regression,
International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 2016.
H Gok, U Orhan. Computer aided determination of proportion of sand in a soil, 23nd Signal
Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 1276-1279, 2015.