1. Batch sistemlerinde kullanılan zamanlama algoritmalarında hangi konulara özellikle dikkat edilmelidir? Saatte yapılan iş sayısını (throughput) arttırmak, her işin ilk talebi ile bitiş süresi arasında geçen süreyi (turnaround time) azaltmak 2. Deadlock oluşabilmesi için gerçekleşmesi gereken durumlar nelerdir? Kaynakların birden fazla prosese paylaştırılması, prosesler bir kaynağı elinde tutarken diğeri için talepte bulunabilmesi, kaynakların kesintisiz kullanılması, kaynak ve prosesler arasında dairesel beklemelerin olması. 1. Write down main difference between Shortest Remaining Time Next and Shortest Job First. Shortest Remaining Time Next is a preemptive version of shortest job first. When a new job arrives, if it needs less time to finish than the current process, the current process is suspended and the new job started. 2. How can we prevent deadlocks by focusing on mutual exclusion? Non-sharable resources in non-preempted using can be made sharable. One solution is the using them with a spooling system and another may be mixing processes on that resource. 1. What is the problem to use Shortest Process Next in interactive systems? How can we overcome it? Because running intervals of the processes cannot be known in advance, the problem is determination of the shortest one among runnable processes. By using past behaviors and running intervals, the total time can be estimated for each process. 2. In unsafe state, what happens if any process return all its resources? Because a process can return its resources only in safe state, this situation cannot be possible.